Rails always have to sit on another solid block and are the only rail type that can curve.Please see the individual pages for each type of rail for information on their properties and basic usage: Running into a player, mob, or a stopped cart causes it to reverse direction, even on a powered track. Minecarts "bounce" off of obstructions on the track.A long stretch of rail or an up-slope reduces a cart's momentum and thus its speed, eventually stopping it unless the forward key is held throughout by a player riding the cart.
#Optimal spacing for powered rails minecraft full

A minecart with a player inside travels 309m from full speed, staying at full speed for 176m.Minecarts move differently depending on their load.On a diagonal track they move at 11.314 m/s = sqrt(2) * 8. Minecarts move at 8 m/s at top speed on a straight track.The following are the most important properties of minecarts. 4.1.3 "Whirligig" cyclical minecart accelerator.